Food + Feelings: The Relationship Between Eating and Emotions | The MilSpo's Guide to Self-Care


with Abi Ray, M.S., MFT |

Stepping on the scale almost twice daily, it was hard for me to comprehend that dropping 5 to 10 pounds so easily meant it would be just as easy, if not easier, to gain it back. That is, until I began to understand the relationship between food and feelings. [Click to Tweet]

Read Abi's introductory post here.

Food + Feelings
InDependent with Abi Ray

Discover how to:

  • Identify the 10 common self-defeating thought patterns that often play a role in emotional eating, so these patterns can be interrupted.
  • Discuss the eight basic emotions and how to build a tolerance.
  • Learn about the neurological and digestive role, while identifying the six basic emotional food cravings and what they can tell us.
  • Explore alternative methods for stress management.

Group Coaching Session:

You can request to view the Group coaching session here.


Food + Feelings Work Book

Food + Feelings Work Book

Book Club:


We at InDependent understand firsthand the barriers that many military families face in trying to access healthy living, and that's why we're such big fans of Thrive Market.

Thrive is an online shopping club offering healthy foods and wholesome products at huge discounts. Their prices are typically 25-50% lower than retail, AND they ship directly to your door. That means for the first time, organic, healthy foods cost the same as heavily processed, conventional alternatives no matter where you are stationed.


about Abi Ray, M.S., MFT

Abi Ray is a counselor and creative that has a heart for enriching and equipping women in their personal, professional, and relational lives. With 8 years of experience in counseling and a passion for cultivating healthy community, her areas of expertise include Female Health & Wellness, Creative Career Counseling, and Relationship Enrichment. Raised as a northern girl, Abi Ray now resides on the southern east coast, with her husband and daughter where she has spent the last 3 years conducting research on how personal, professional, and relational issues correlate within the military culture, while working alongside military spouse organizations such as R. Riveter. Most days you can find her unwinding with one of her favorite forms of self care activities which includes - photography, visual journaling and writing.

Connect to Abi: Web | Instagram | Facebook | Email

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