Cardio Playlist: Happy Indie Pop

Cardio Playlist: Happy Indie Pop

Cardio Playlist: Happy Indie Pop

I’ve reached that inevitable point in my life where the music I once knew as club music has become workout music. With the days of my misspent youth behind me, when I hear a catchy beat I immediately think, “This will keep me going on the treadmill.” When I ran across this fun and utterly danceable Indie pop mix, I was ready to lace up my running shoes.

Research suggests that you’ll workout longer and more often to music you like, so fire up your smartphone and get the SoundCloud app to take this mix to go. Not your flavor? SoundCloud, along with its competitor sites like Spotify and Rdio, has hundreds of playlists. Search for tags like “mixtape” and “workout” combined with your favorite genre and get your new power song.

(via theradaddict, found at r/runningmusic)