Here at InDependent, we are committed to making wellness accessible and finding resources that are available to military spouses and military families. If you know of a resource that we should add, please email our Fuel the Homefront team.
Air Force Aid Society- emergency assistance to Air Force and Space Force families when unexpected financial emergencies arise with no-interest loans and grants, to help meet immediate financial emergency needs and help make a positive step toward a lasting financial solution. Emergency Assistance | Helping Airmen in Need | AFAS
Army Emergency Relief- financial assistance and support for Active duty soldiers and their families, and Army National Guard and Reservists on title 10 orders for more than 30 days Assistance Programs - Army Emergency Relief
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance- financial assistance for Coast Guard active duty and reserve CGMA | Assistance Programs (
Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society- financial assistance and quick relief loans (Active Duty or retired Sailors and Marines, or reservists on 30 day orders) Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) - Financial Assistance, Interest-Free Loans & Scholarships
Military Family Support at CONUS and OCONUS Installations Contact: View All Bases & Installations | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS (
Troop and Family Assistance Centers- many State National Guard have regional Family Assistance Centers, to assist with emergencies, Community Resource information, Financial support and counseling, and sometimes available to all branches: National Guard contact info.xlsx - Google Sheets
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross works in partnership with military aid societies to provide quality, reliable financial assistance to eligible applicants 24/7/365. Assistance can include funds for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, emergency food and shelter, etc, for active duty, activated Guard and Reserve, and their immediate families, and retirees and their spouses Financial Assistance for Military Families | American Red Cross
Military OneSource
Emergency Financial Help & Relief Organizations (
Food Insecurity Resources FoodSecurityResources-SupportPrograms.pdf (
Military OneSource Free Financial Counseling, and tools and resources Personal Finance Assistance in the Military • Military OneSource
Military Leader Economic Security Resources • Military OneSource
Military Family Support at CONUS and OCONUS Installations Contact: View All Bases & Installations | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS ( (listed under military, as well)
Service members and their families have access to numerous resources to save money and manage expenses. Learn more about ways to save and protect your family’s financial health with the following programs: Military Financial Assistance • Military OneSource
Veteran Organizations (also serves military personnel and families)
American Legion Troop and Family Support Center - Temporary Financial Assistance How to Apply for Temporary Financial Assistance | The American Legion
The National Association of County Veterans Service Officers: you ca be linked to the nearest Country Veteran Service Officer, by selecting what state you reside in, and can provide emergency support, VA assistance and more: Find Service Officers (
Veteran Service Organizations: The VA has a compilation of Veteran Service Organizations
The VFW Unmet Needs is there to help America's military families who have run into unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other military-related activity or injury. The program provides financial aid grants of up to $1,500 to assist with basic life needs in the form of a grant - not a loan - so no repayment is required. Financial Grants - VFW
Military Family Advisory Network
Connects military families to the resources, people, and information they depend on to successfully navigate all phases of military life. You can see the ways they are Combat[ing] Military Hunger by visiting their website.
MFAN will host military food assistance events in September and October 2022. Register for one near you here.
Blue Star Families
Blue Star Families is committed to making food insecurity a thing of the past by rallying around military and Veteran families, delivering military and civilian resources to those in need and empowering them to thrive, and have a wealth of resources and information: Food Insecurity Resources - Blue Star Families
Financial resources that will help you navigate life as a military or Veteran family. JPMorgan Chase Bank Presents: Blue Star Families Financial Resource List - Blue Star Families
WIC WIC How to Apply | Food and Nutrition Service (
Food Assistance, including SNAP, and other programs Food Assistance | USAGov
FoodFinder | Find Food Pantries Near You | Quick & Accurate Locator Based on zip code- Local food banks, such as at churches, schools, Veteran organizations, etc
Feeding America Find Your Local Food Bank | Feeding America