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Videos: Take Class with 6 Military Spouse Yoga Teachers

Six military spouse yoga teachers offer six different types of yoga. Something for everybody!

Transitioning to different duty stations means that you often have to say goodbye to your favorite yoga teachers. But, one good thing to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is that many yoga teachers are getting comfortable teaching online. It doesn’t quite replace the in person experience, but it means you might be able to take class with your favorite teacher from afar.

We’ve compiled six different types of classes from six military spouse yoga teachers, ranging from under five minutes to thirty-five minutes. Browse through the list to see which class is perfect for you

Lindsay Platky of s.l.a.m.dc teaches a 22-minute balanced flow. It will warm up your spine with cat/cow and some gentle twists before moving on to some shoulder, hamstring, and hip openers. This is a well-rounded practice that will leave you feel open and ready for what your day has in store. Take class here.

Megan Argo of s.l.a.m.leavenworth brings the heat with a 35-minute Yoga with Weights class that combines the stretching and mindfulness you love from yoga with the upbeat dynamic of your favorite group fitness class. A light set of dumbbells is recommended for this class but you could always do it without if you don’t have any on hand our you’re building up your endurance. Take class here.

Elizabeth Bosse of InDependent shares the ten-minute flow that she uses to get the kinks out of her body first thing in the morning. This is a great way to infuse some positive energy into your morning, or to loosen up during your workday. Take class here.

Curious about handstand? Kimberly Bacso of InDependent offers a five-minute tutorial on what you need to get started, including how you know if you’re strong enough to be able to support yourself on your hands. Learn about hand and arm position before moving into two preparatory postures that lead into handstand at the wall. Take class here.

Kathryn Taron of Refresh Yoga Center offers a sixteen-minute prenatal class that’s safe if you’re expecting. She emphasizes strength and flexibility, but speaks to how you should be working safely within your flexibility when you’re pregnant. Take class here.

We haven’t forgotten restorative yoga! Lindsey Canaley of Refresh Yoga Center shows you how you can use props at home to achieve deep relaxation even when you only have a short time to practice. She takes you through several postures and explains how to use props in this 13-minute class. Take class here.

Take Class with Six Military Spouse Yoga Teachers

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